March 5, 2020
A Unique Feature of The System Is Embedding Your Company
Policies Directly Into The Training Courses.
In order to assure that the training your staff sees is "your" training and not
a generic course you have the ability to embed your companies
specific policy directly into each training course. In the
training we refer to this as "Company Specific Policy."
the 15 minute video below to see how this is accomplished.
We suggest you view this video in full-screen view. After
you open the video, you can hover your mouse over the bottom of
the video screen and use the slider at the bottom of the
screen to jump ahead, go back or pause the video. You can
also go to settings in the lower right corner of the
video screen (gear icon) to change the speed, if you are in a hurry.
The last icon on the right of the setting icon is the full
screen icon.
Click on the image below to begin the video.

Thanks and enjoy!
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