June 1, 2015
There is a tremendous amount of information and many resources
included in your compliance system. In an effort to
simplify what is available, here is a list of the four web based
resources you will use in the implementation of your system.
Each site requires log in credentials, so please be sure you
keep very good notes on your logins for each site. We
strongly suggest that you use the same login name and password,
if you can,
at each of the sites to keep things simple. To see a
description of how each of the sites are used and for more
detailed information, we suggest that you view, at a minimum, the two training
sessions on the left:
Training System Resources
Training Intro: TSS & LMS.
(this site)
The member only section of your
the Borrow Smart Compliance web site includes important
information that will help you in understanding and using your compliance system.
This is where we post training
and other webinars for you to review at your convenience.
This location is a private shared
network for members where important compliance documents and
materials are maintained, stored and updated. This
includes your policy manual, How To Guides and other documents
that are available for the compliance system. This is the
material from which you will develop your company specific final
policy. Or, if you choose, you can use the policy directly
from Ballard with very minor changes.
There are three very important
documents/folders here in the shared network. All
documents are in a Word format. Your full policy manual
and an "abbreviated" policy manual.
Full Policy Manual (Compliance
Management System_1.0.docx) -- This is the Ballard Spahr
policy manual from which you will use to develop your own
policy. The manual is broken down into all of the sections
you will need to address in order to create your own Compliance
Management System (CMS). As you review each of the
sections that relate to federal regulations (UDAAP, Collections,
ADA, etc.) you will note that there are two parts to the
section. First is a description of the topic and
background on why it exist and next, and most importantly, is
the written policy. You will need to review the policy and be
sure it matches what is appropriate for your company.
There are also sections that require your input that are only
specific to your company that you will need to modify. We
strongly suggest that you create a separate word document for
each of you policies and keep them in a safe place. Use
these documents to copy and past into the TSS (below).
This is how your policy is integrated into the training content
and it is how your full policy manual for distribution to your
stores are created.
Abbreviated Policy Manual
(Compliance Procedures Only.doc) -- This is identical to the
policy manual described above but we have removed the portion
that describes the back ground from the manual above.
Please note that if you hover your mouse over the page number in
the table of contents, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard
and click on the page number, it will jump you to that
particular section of the manual. Hit Ctrl & End on your
keyboard and it will jump you to the last page where you will
find a description of the pages that require changes.
How To Guides -- This is a
folder that contains the How To guides. Consider the How
To Guides as an operation manual for each policy. In
particular there are a series of Q & A's for issues that are not
specifically addressed in the policy manual.
The Training Support System (TSS)
is a critical component of your compliance system. It is
used in two ways. First, to upload and manage your private and unique
policy documents for review and for training your staff.
These policies will be developed by you from the Ballard
compliance manual that you will access at the site above. The
documents that you upload at the TSS site are used in the e-learning training
system (LMS) described below to train (and track) your staff
compliance in each policy topic area. Second, it is also used by your staff to
access the e-learning training system. As the compliance
officer/administrator you will have a unique login that will
allow you to control the system. Your staff will use a
separate login that will need to be assigned. That single login will be the same for
your entire staff.
This is the actual online training system
used in the training of your staff. You will also use this
to setup and manage you learners (staff), teams and sub-teams
(levels of management within your company) and to assign courses to
your learners. When anyone takes or reviews a training course
they will actually be logged into and using the LMS system. However, your
staff will connect to this site by first logging in to the TSS
above and from there they connect to the LMS via a direct web
link to the LMS.
This is a community forum that you
can use to keep abreast of questions and updates to issues
relating to training and compliance. You will need to
first register at
this link. After you register it may take up to 24
hours for you to hear back with confirmation that you are
authorized to use this resource. This is a great place to
ask questions and search for issues that you may have questions