Legislative Contribution Form

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Please tell us how you can help with a contribution to our legislative political friends for the upcoming elections in Alabama.  Today we only need to know the amount you can give, so take a moment and complete the short form below.  We are not asking that you send money in this request.  We will send more detailed information over the next few days.

IMPORTANT -- Please note the following information!

-  We ask that you contribute a minimum of $175 per store with a cap of 25 stores.  If you have more than 25 stores the minimum requested amount is $4,375.  Of course, you can contribute more.  The maximums are quite high.  If you believe you may want to max out the contributions (more than $20,000), please contact us as noted below.

After you make your pledge, please click here for instructions in processing your pledge.

-  Checks will be made to the PAC set up by our lobbyist -- The Rapides PAC.  If you wish your check (or checks) to be designated to a particular legislator or you wish to deliver your check personally, select Yes to the question below.

- If you have already made your contribution, please complete the form so we have an accurate count.

- We are sure you may have questions.  We will get more information out in the next few days.  In the meantime,  if you have immediate questions please contact Max Wood at 205-733-9926.

Tip For Entering.  Hit the tab key after entering the info for each box.

Name (First Last)               

Telephone (xxx-xxx-xxxx)   

Email  Address                    


Contribution Amount           

Would You Like To Personally Deliver Your Contribution (Y/N)            

Comments  (up to 150 characters) as noted below: 


Click submit below after you enter all of the information and you know it to be correct.

If you have questions, click here and drop us an email or call 205-733-9926.