Here you will find information for the press that includes Council For Fair Lending press releases and other pertinent information about the industry.  Click here if you have questions.


National Financial Literacy Month & Borrow Smart, April 29, 2010.   Borrow Smart Alabama announces a new round of financial training classes for National Financial Literacy month (click here) and a new public financial education web site (click here) to promote and encourage participation in financial education.


Federal Reserve Bank Payday Loan Study, October 21, 2009.   An unbiased report by the Federal Reserve Bank Of New York finds that in states that abolish payday loans that the consumer is penalized by being forced to use much higher cost alternative financial products.  Click here to download and read this report in pdf form.


Borrow Smart Cautions Borrowers During Troubling Times, October 28, 2008.   Borrow Smart has launched an initiative to alert our customers about the wise use of our services during these troubling financial times.  Click here (.doc) or here (.pdf) for the press release and click here to see the customer notice posted in each Borrow Smart member store. 



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